Saturday, July 05, 2008

this is my ol' jacket ... i bought this jacket @ second hand  camdentown market, back in early 90's ... yes, this jacket still in my room now... i will keep it till my son can wear it sumday with his two wheels terror.


"Daddyfrisco" Ray said...

wow, i guess this is gonna be in the vintage archive huh Dex? heheheh...

revdeckster said...

he he he....too bad he ain't like me, to clean as a greaser...he more into rocket scientist....he h eh e

"Daddyfrisco" Ray said...

ahahahahah, my sons like that! such a perfectionist! balancing his socks left n right, cant let the shoelaces touch the ground! whoaah!

revdeckster said...

hell yeah, today kids are different .... prefer wasted their time at virtual stuff....oohyooo.......sick sick sick