Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Seriously, every rapist/babyfucker would happily vote and support instatement of Shari'a law if they knew how it had loopholes that would allow the rapists to go unpunished if they "played by the book." And, added the added bonus for anyone "dissenting" against the ruling in Shari'a law to be branded an apostate.

Anyways, lets get to the heart of the problem. In Shari'a law, four women are required to refute the testimony of one man. Now, this little loophole allows a man to target any female/little girl, (because some "Islamic scholars" say girls of 12 years are AAAAAAALLLRIIIIIGHT in Shari'a Law.) and carry out a well-planned rape and then deny all knowledge of his deed. The woman/girl's evidence will not be accepted, as no other females saw the deed. To counter this obvious loophole, Shari'a law has seen to that women are to be "kept in the tents", rather than to correct the original error. Much like a band-aid on a cancerous tumor; stripping women of their inherent rights and keeping them caged up will not protect them from abuse.

...and its realy sucks !


rizky mandra said...

i heard you out loud Dex..!!

revdeckster said...

yeah bor ! fuck'em !

kunglat said...

Fuck that shit BOR! Woman's right are human's right!

revdeckster said...

yeah ! pathetic fucka ! hey, where are u mr.kunglat ? come bye lah

AporN said...

it is sickening enuff... legalizing pedophilia?